пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Weight Management Blueprint - Permission to Eat Delicious Carbs

Enjoying the eating process without focus on dietary restrictions may be key to managing weight and staying healthy, according to researchers who have unveiled a new and effective model for managing eating. The Saffer Eating Competence Model, also known as ecSaffer, was created by Ellyn Saffer, a registered dietitian, family therapist, and author of "Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family."

Competent eaters are positive, flexible, and comfortable with their eating habits and make it a priority to regularly provide themselves with enjoyable and nourishing food. They guide food intake based on the internal processes of hunger, appetite, and satisfaction and rely on the body's innate ability to maintain a preferred and stable weight. Saffer observes that the eating competence model cultivates effective eating attitudes and behavior by emphasizing permission and discipline:

* The permission to choose food you enjoy and eat in amounts you find satisfying.

* The discipline to provide yourself with regular and reliable meals and snacks and to pay attention when you eat them.

Being "eating competent" appears to mirror overall well being, notes Saffer. People with high eating competence feel more effective are more self-aware, and are more trusting and comfortable -- both with themselves and with other people.

Barbara Lohse, associate professor of nutritional sciences at Penn State, directed the research on ecSaffer. Lohse underscores the model's attention to psychological and biological needs. "Many of us have eating problems because as children, we are forced into eating more or less food than we need. That is traumatic. Eating becomes a mindless activity invested with conflict and anxiety, and not something to be enjoyed. To overcome those feelings, you have to ignore how you feel about eating -- just eat."

Research by Lohse and her Penn State colleagues suggests that people with high eating competence do better nutritionally, have healthier body weights, higher levels of good cholesterol, and fewer of the components of "sticky plaque" -- today's high-tech approach to predicting the tendency to cardiovascular disease.

The Penn State researcher says it represents a fundamental shift from the conventional approach to eating and weight management. "If it was successful to have people be uncomfortable and restrictive about what they eat, just going by the rules for the nutrients and calories they need, we would not have an obesity problem," said Lohse, whose findings appear in the current (October) Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. "We need a different mindset. Weight management is not the big issue, but rather being comfortable with how you eat," she added.

According to Saffer and Lohse, there are four steps to competent eating:

* Take time to eat, and provide yourself with rewarding meals and snacks at regular and reliable times.

* Cultivate positive attitudes about eating and about food. Emphasize providing rather than depriving; seeking food rather than avoiding it.

* Enjoy your eating, eat things you like, and let yourself be comfortable with and relaxed about what you eat...Enjoying eating supports the natural inclination to seek variety, the keystone of healthful food selection.

* Pay attention to sensations of hunger and fullness to determine how much to eat. Go to the table hungry, eat until you feel satisfied, and then stop, knowing another meal or snack is coming soon.

Useful information Weight Loss Optimal

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - See The Real Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

The Truth is Fat Loss 4 Idiots is helping a lot of people lately, but what is the secret behind it? Well its all about the new method of calorie cutting that is helping people. I'm about to explain to you what to do and what not to do when it comes to weight loss.

Increase your food intake

OK this may sound a bit mis leading, you need to increase your meal intake. What I mean by this is that you need to eat more small meals. Eat about 5-6 small meals per day and make sure they are small, I'm not talking about a small burger from Burger King though. You need to eat something small like a bowl of cereal of maybe some fresh fruits; even a piece of toast would be fine. Just make sure your eating a lot of small meals through out the day because this gets your metabolism going.

Increase Your Exercise Levels

This is also important for many people, just because you are eating healthy does not mean your going to lose weight. I have seen so many people starve themselves and lose nothing simply because they were not exercising to get their metabolism up and running. Also when you starve yourself your body slows down your metabolism so it's a double negative factor.

I want to learn more

If you want to learn more simply head over to my blog in the bio box below, you can find out why Fat Loss 4 Idiots is working for so many people and you can also see exactly what foods to eat to start losing weight today.

A new on the network site about weight loss

вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

Шакира купила необитаемый остров

Колумбийская певица Шакира и бывший бас гитарист группы "Пинк Флойд" Роджер Вотерс сложились и купили недорого «весь поросший зеленью» остров на Багамах за 12 миллионов евро. Для сравнения знаменитый футболист Зинедин Зидан был продан Ювентусом в Реал за 65 млн. евро.

Остров необитаем и имеет идеальные размеры для создания райского уголка : 5 километров в длину и 800 метров в ширину. Площадь острова составляет 830 гектаров, и он располагает пятью изумительными песчаными пляжами в чистейших водах Атлантического океана.

Шакира хочет создать на острове названием Bond Cay «дом отдыха» для артистов всего мира и уже пригласила для участия в проекте несколько друзей. Среди них Алехандро Санс (известный испанский певец) и Мигель Бозе (актер).

Курорт обещает стать всемирно известным местом развлечения миллионеров. Однако группа инвесторов мечтает осуществить более грандиозный план, куда входит строительство школы для привлечения артистически одаренных детей.

«Речь не идет о том, чтобы купить 200 катеров, построить пятизвездочную гостиницу и поле для гольфа на 18 лунок, а о более грандиозном проекте», сказал один из инвесторов, бизнесмен из Майами Алберто Рубинштейн.

«Этот проект нацелен, прежде всего, на развитие культуры и искусства, а не на спекуляцию недвижимостью», добавил Рубинштейн. Как полагает Алехандро Санс, коммерческая деятельность будет спонсировать этот культурный проект. Строительство комплекса, в котором участвуют архитекторы с именем, уже началось.

Как пишет уругвайская пресса, Шакира в ближайшее время выйдет замуж за аргентинца Антонио де Ла Руа. Свадьба планируется в уругвайском городе S . Carlos . Жених и невеста уже пригласили на нее того же Алехандро Санса, а так же Пенелопу Круз, которых Шакира избрала свидетелями.

Певица, которой в феврале исполнился 31 год, согласно Forbes является самой высокооплачиваемой в мире певицей латинского происхождения. Так за 98 концертов в2007 году она заработала 25б5 миллионов евро.

Useful information луиза хей власть женщины лечебные свойства можжевельника диафрагмальная грыжа фото женских родов у красноухой черепахи облазит кожа отказ от прохождения медицинского освидетельствования кодирование от алкоголизма справка об эпидокружении без выходных рейтинг медицинских вузов россии каталог ив роше

воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

How to Get Rid of Those Love Handles The Easy Way

As we get older or bodies go through many undesirable changes. one of those changes is that we develop those Love Handles.

Your first reaction is to go out do some exercise and eat a little less, but then if you do not really over eat, and you already get a fair amount of exercise each day, there has to be another way without torturing yourself in the process.

When all you really wanted was to Picture yourself in jeans and shirts fitting great.

Just Walking down the streets looking good.

Yea. People will notice the slimmer, brighter you. Your healthier heart and lowered blood pressure will get two thumbs up from the Doc. Your new energy will put a skip in your step.

Best of all, you can stop torturing yourself with exercises and diets that are useless for love handles!

This goes for both men and women!

So how are you going to achieve all of this ?

well you can read a few books, and do a bit more research until you find the right program or book for your particular situation. there are numerous books on the subject around and a simple google search will reveal all sorts of information that you will find useful

another way is to go the Yahoo Answers. ask it a question and you will usually get an answer form someone within a few minutes. yes it is so fast.

The one thing that you should make sure that you do though, is to take action. Those Love handle have a nasty habit of developing into something far more sinister, yes if we are not careful those love handles will develop into full blown obesity.

So you have been warned, take action, and get rid of those love handles, before its too late.

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суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

Managing Your Calorie Intake Creates Results

In order to lose weight, you realize that your calorie intake will have to be reduced. So the question is how many calories do you think you should eliminate? If you take away too many calories, your metabolism will slow down because your body will think it is being starved. Therefore, you will need to come up with a number that will allow you to lose weight while satisfying your body at the same time.

The other element of a good weight loss plan is exercise. When you exercise, you are deducting calories from the total amount that you consume for that day. If the exercise is longer, then you will burn up more calories. Likewise if the exercise is more intense, you will also burn more calories. With some people, exercising alone will create enough of a calorie deficit to meet their weight-loss goals. But for most of us, it is usually going to require a combination of exercising in reducing calories.

As mentioned earlier, when you reduce calories too much, you will not lose weight because your body will hold on to all the calories it has. And intense calorie reduction is often defined as consuming less than 1000 calories per day. Starting out at 1500 to 1800 calories per day is a more reasonable figure. Some people may need a higher or smaller number depending on their size. Just remember that you will have to slowly reduce the amount of calories as you lose weight until you reach your goal.

Also, remember to factor in your exercise schedule. Exercising contributes to your calorie deficit as well as reducing the number of calories you eat.

See also Getting to Know Performing Arts in London

вторник, 12 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — виды займов

ОАО «Промсвязьбанк» — это один из крупнейших отечественных банков, который входит в ТОП-10 ведущих банков РФ. На рынке кредитования банковское учреждение предлагает следующие разновидности ссуд:

Потребительский кредит — ссужаемый кредитной организацией физическим и юридическим лицам в целях приобретения вещей с перенесением срока платежа за купленные предметы личного пользования, с позднейшим покрытием занятых денег и процентного дохода по займу.

Банковские кредитки — более современная разновидность потребительского кредитования, позволяющие приобретать разнообразные услуги и товары без необходимости посещать в Промсвязьбанк с единовременным лимитом с последующим компенсацией занятых суммы кредитной организации.

Главными функциями кредиток являются получение наличных средств в банкоматных устройствах или кассе банка банковского учреждения, а также отзывы о банках в кассах банков партнеров. Также банковские карты дают возможность проводить безнальные отправки средств, а также производить оплату предметов потребления и различных услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В банке Промсвязьбанк широко предложено кредитование жилья. Программа ипотеки предоставляет возможность купить жилье без использования личных средств, за счет финансовых ресурсов банка, с дальнейшим компенсацией полученных денег под незначительную процентную ставку. В предметом залога может предоставляться приобретаемый дом или квартира. В тоже время, предмет залога страхуется от нанесения повреждений, также застраховывается здоровье и жизнь оформившего заем.